Rector Search Committee Update
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing.” John 15:5
As we mentioned in last week’s Compass, this is an exciting and busy season in our rector search process! Today is particularly significant as it marks the close of our online rector application, which has remained open for 90 days per diocesan requirements. We thank you for your prayers and support as we look forward to calling our new rector. There is still much to be done, but we are entering the final phase of the call process and we are grateful. We are asked this question frequently: why is this taking so long? It’s a great question. To answer it, we have included here a brief review of the work we have done and an explanation of where we are now.
Our first committee meeting was July 26, 2018. The bishop reviewed with us the rector search manual and told us that the search process would take 9-12 months. That has proven accurate. With few exceptions, we have been meeting and working hard every Thursday since then. We began by establishing regular prayer and discernment practices. We then completed three major tasks: the Natural Church Development survey (required by the diocese), four days of focused listening groups, and the parish-wide survey on rector traits. After prayerfully compiling, reviewing, and digesting all results, we created our rector application packet. We posted it to our website and to multiple other websites in late January, and the position has been “live” since that time. We arrived at that destination with the help of many, many parishioners and staff members. We could not have done it without you. Thank you! As of this writing, we have received 13 complete applications, 3 incomplete applications, and 3 inquiries.
Where are we now? For the past 90 days, we have been immersed in interviews. Once we posted the position, we developed a detailed interview process. Interview days are Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. The overall process includes the potential for four interviews with the rector search committee, beginning with a phone screen. Thus far, we have conducted a total of 18 interviews with more on the way. As we have prayed for qualified candidates God has provided them, and we are thrilled to say we have some strong candidates.
What happens next? The search committee will wrap up all interviews by mid-May and submit final candidates to the vestry. With the vestry’s approval, we have developed a timeline for vestry interviews and visiting weekends. A financial package is also in the works. There will be lots of activity in May and June, and we will continue to communicate via the Compass and bulletin.
We appreciate your support and prayers! Please fast and pray for energy, wisdom, discernment, and blessing as the RSC and vestry continue this work. Please also pray that the Spirit will place a clear call on the hearts of our new rector and his family. May we all abide deeply in Christ on this long and fruitful search journey.
In Him,
Laura Mitchell
The Rector Search Committee
Co-Chairs: Shawn Carson, Laura Mitchell
Members: Michael Hunter, Erin Hudson, Larry Moudy, Thomas,Don Street, Barb Smelser, Phil Thomas, Grant Weicht