1Mission Trip
A few years ago Fuller Youth Institute asked young adults what they most wished they would have had more of during their youth group years. I keep their top five answers on my office door as a reminder for prayerful planning:
- 1. Time for deep conversation
- 2. Mission trips
- 3. Service projects
- 4. Accountability
- 5. One-on-one time with leaders
Our recent trip to Puerto Penasco / Rocky Point with 1Mission provided about four days that covered all five of these wishes. Lara Milford (our children’s minister) and I wanted to find a meaningful trip that parishioners of all ages could participate in. Children, youth, adults, older adults, singles, families, wealthy, and humble are all part of the body of Christ. We need each other. 1Mission ended up being an answer to those prayers.
We discovered 1Mission through CCA parishioner Tim Hoiland, a full-time employee of 1Mission. Tim grew up as a missionary kid in Guatemala. His understanding of the concept of seeking to truly help (verses unintentionally harm) through sustainable service and mission work helped convince my mind that serving with 1Mission could be a great fit for CCA. Actually going and prayerfully serving with our CCA group, the family whose house we helped build (Norma and Israel), and the 1Mission staff has convinced my heart that this was a very good endeavor!
I hope you’ll come hear stories about the trip from a few of those who went this Sunday during the education hour. We’ll have pictures and videos to share as well. If we go back to serve again in 2021, Lord willing, I hope you’ll prayerfully considering going with us “in peace, to love and serve the Lord!”
In Christ,
John Laffoon
Minister to Youth and Families