A Little Advice on Welcoming a New Rector
Gracious Father, we know your fatherly care in sending Austin Britton to be our new Rector. We are grateful for these past eleven months of searching, praying, and coming together as a church family. Please send your blessing and grace on Austin, Rebecca and their children as they make the move to join us in ministry. May your work amo0ng us at Christ Church excite their hearts. Give Austin the confidence of leadership, the grace of encouragement, and a desire to please you in all things. This we ask in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I was asked for one piece of advice I might have as we welcome our new rector. After some thought, I am pretty confident in this: forgive him. Yes, please forgive him when he hurts you or lets you down. Austin is great in so many ways and I am sure he is God’s choice for us, how could he not be after praying and working so hard to find him among all the candidates? But I am almost certain that he is human and he will clearly have strengths and weaknesses. He will fail you, every one of you at some time, but by God’s help and with our support, we have a leader who can guide us well into a healthy future in God’s Kingdom. Please pray for him, encourage him, support him, and enjoy him. And don’t forget to forgive him when he hurts you and lets you down. He’s imperfect and so are we. It seems like a perfect match in that way.
Interim Rector
(for two more weeks)