A Short Update this Advent Season
Happy Advent! May God prepare our hearts to receive Him anew in the weeks to come, He who is both baby and God and friend!
Thanks to those who attended our special-called meeting with Bishop Trevor Walters last Monday. For me personally, it was especially refreshing to hear the Rector Search Committee share the details of their debriefing, to hear them say “We are sorry we failed in some important ways,” and to hear some really solid suggestions about going forward as a parish. How blessed we are to have had such a diligent and faithful group shepherding the search process this past year. I believe God is in the business of bringing beautiful things out of ashes and brokenness!
This past Tuesday evening there was a long conference call that involved our staff clergy, vestry representatives and the bishops who are helping us to consider a plan for Interim Rector starting in January. This call was preceded by many email and phone call exchanges. Bishop Keith has been especially helpful in leading us in this time. It is hoped, as I write this, that the vestry will consider “the plan” this weekend and come to some resolve, and that this will be communicated to our whole congregation very soon – hopefully next week. I think it will be evident to everyone that much careful thought and planning (and prayer!) has gone into the planning for our ministry needs at Christ Church.
Please join me in praying:
Come thou long expected Jesus,
born to set thy people free.
From or sins and fears release us,
let us find our rest in Thee. Amen.
Chuck Collins
Interim Rector