Becoming a Disciple of Jesus
Some of us at CCA have been exploring what it means to become a disciple of Jesus. Here are some understandings with which we have been interacting.
Foundational Definition of Discipleship to Jesus
A disciple of Jesus: One who is with Jesus, to learn from Jesus, how to be like Jesus.
Supporting Understandings
A disciple: A learner, a student, an apprentice—one seeking full competency in playing a musical instrument, learning a profession, becoming fluent in a language.
A master teacher: One who imparts expertise to a disciple. This impartation takes place in an environment of personal relationship—life-on-life.
Discipleship to Jesus is about discovering Jesus as Master Teacher. “You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am” (John 13:13). His teachings are the standard by which I evaluate everything else I hear.
Discipleship to Jesus is learning how to live the way Jesus said was best. He knows how human life was designed to work; He created it! His teachings are unique wisdom for navigating all that life presents (Matt. 7:24-25).
Discipleship has nothing to do with earning God’s favor. God’s favor is a free gift of his grace. Discipleship is about learning from Jesus how to grow in grace (2 Peter 3:18). Grace is not opposed to effort; grace is opposed to earning.
Discipleship is not firstly about behavior change. It is about transforming the heart. It is about the person in Christ I am becoming. The way I behave is an expression of my inner character (Matt. 15:16-20).
Discipleship to Jesus leads to inner healing. Sin wounds—heart, soul, mind, body, relationships. Wounding hinders and blocks growth in grace. I am healed as I learn from Jesus how to come present to God and abide there (John 15:4).
The end product of discipleship is Christlike character. “Everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). I don’t “do” it. God “does” it. But I must choose it. God doesn’t do it “for” me, or “to” me, but “with” me.
The end product of discipleship is agape love. If we don’t get love right we haven’t got discipleship right. “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).