Children’s Ministry
Hang on tight because there are lots of amazing things happening this fall in Christ Church Children’s Ministries. We have several new ministries starting and different ways for your child to grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord.
CCA Children’s Ministries is dedicated to engaging children in a life-long relationship with Jesus through Christ-centered worship, Christian education, spiritual formation in the Anglican tradition, fellowship, and service for God. We desire to partner with parents in cultivating spiritually healthy disciples by equipping parents to be the spiritual leaders of their children.
We need your commitment to making that possible. The childhood years pass quickly. We want to make the most of it. So, please help us to help you and your child by making your child’s Christian formation a top priority. See you in the fall!
Below are some of the highlights for Children’s Ministry this fall. Some things will be familiar, others are new.
Sunday School
August 28th – November 20th | Special Advent series in December
This fall we will have three classes for children’s Sunday school: Preschool – 1st Grade, 2nd – 4th Grade, and 5th – 6th Grade.
This year, we are journeying through the life of Jesus. We will look at Jesus’ interaction with people as He began His public ministry, His displays of power, and His preaching of parables. The class will culminate with Jesus’ final path to Jerusalem, where He died to save sinners and gave us the hope of the resurrection. Each week includes Bible time, prayer, crafts, games, and snacks.
Godly Play
10:30 – The passing of the peace
Preschool – 2nd Grade
While we at Christ Church desire the whole family to be together in regular Sunday worship, we realize that having small children in the morning service can be a challenge. As such, Godly Play class is an interactive telling of biblical stories that engage children in the word of God through all five senses. Children are to be checked in before the service and will return to their families at the passing of the peace.
Wednesday Night Kids Club
August 24th – November 16th
Dinner – 5:00-6:15
Club time – 6:15-7:30
Children aged 3 to 6th Grade
No, this is not Sunday school 2.0. Kids Club is a time when spiritual formation is a blend of fun, challenges, and learning as children are equipped with life skills through age-appropriate games, Bible memorization, and Bible lessons. We realize kids have been in school all day and need creative ways to learn about Jesus.
Kids Club Special Nights Events:
Wacky Tacky Night | September 14th
Costume Night | October 26th
Western Night | November 15th
Toddler Story Time
August 26th – December 16th
Fridays | 10:00-10:30
We are pleased to introduce Toddler Storytime. Every Friday, we meet in the Children’s suite to hear stories, sing songs, play games and have a snack. There will also be snacks for parents! This is a perfect activity for kids four and under.
Fr. Chase