Children’s Ministry at Christ Church
During this year’s Parish Retreat, we learned a phrase that struck me as very powerful. I would say, “By sharing God’s Love…” and the children would say, “We can change the world!” Our goal in Children’s Ministry is to get kids excited for Jesus so they fall in love with Jesus. We are raising up the next generation of World Changers for Christ! Christ Church’s Children’s Ministry is designed to nurture and disciple children’s hearts so that they have an eternal relationship with our one true God.
Children’s Ministry fulfills this mission by providing kids with weekly, monthly, and yearly opportunities to learn about Jesus, bond with leaders, form lasting relationships with peers, and of course, have fun!
This past summer, we welcomed churched and unchurched kids to our Vacation Bible School Program. It was a week-long experience that taught the children to trust God no matter what.
In August, we kicked off our Fall Programming which includes Sunday School, Godly Play, Wednesday Night Kids Club, Friday Morning Toddler Storytime, and special monthly events such as Glow in the Dark Mini Golf, Movie on the Lawn, and Trunk or Treat.
In the coming months, Children’s Ministry will continue to serve the children within these parish walls with ongoing and new opportunities for growth and formation by participating in projects that will support the church’s Ministry Partners, special events, and regular weekly programming. We are also looking forward to expanding our reach beyond these walls.
Children’s Ministry is dedicated to engaging children in a life-long and loving relationship with Jesus. Here is just some of what parents say about Children’s Ministry:
“The Children’s Ministry is important to us because we want our boys to be a part of a strong community of believers.”
“Children’s Ministry provides a foundation and consistent routine that will be important in future practices.”
“Children’s Ministry welcomes other voices to be role models and speak into our children’s lives.”
Engaging, impacting, and challenging young hearts and minds for Christ. We are Children’s Ministry!
Jamie Campbell
Children’s Minister