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Sunday School/ Adult Ed.

Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....

Drop in prayer

Christ Church Anglican

Are you in need of prayer? Prayer ministers will meet you in CCA’s office lobby (north end of Parish Hall building) at 9:15. Questions? Contact Laura Mitchell at A reminder...

Presentation on Franz Liszt

Christ Church Anglican

Our organist Billy Mattison presents an educational and historical overview of the upcoming work,Via Crucis by notable Romantic Era composer, Franz Liszt. It will be in the nave.

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

Christ Church Anglican

Men’s Cookout & “Blarney Good” Book Swap Spend the afternoon with the men of Christ Church Anglican as we fire up the grills and cook some mouthwatering steaks in the...