How to Train Our Youth
One of the most important things – maybe the most important thing – going on at Christ Church these days is our children’s and youth ministries. I know it sounds like something a rector or interim rector “should” say, but I truly believe it to be true! Researchers tell us that the majority of Christian adults look back on the years before they left for college as the most important for their Christian development. They all say that most Christians are grounded in their Christian convictions between birth and eighteen years old. And, the converse is true: comparatively few come to know and love Christ outside those critical years. Last week I discovered the short podcast below that I hope you will take a few minutes to listen to. (The image above will make more sense if you listen!) It explains why we are so wonderfully blessed to have John Laffoon (Youth) and Lara Milford (Children) on our staff. It has truly been a joy to share ministry with them this past year!
Chuck Collins
Interim Rector