Instructed Eucharist

This Sunday, October 16, each of our two worship services will be an “Instructed Eucharist.” In lieu of a sermon, I will pause several times in the course of the liturgy to explain what is happening.

The liturgy is full of rich symbolic actions, and constructed very intentionally in order to lead us into the presence of the Triune God, rehearsing our redemption. Many have never been taught why, exactly, we do what we do in worship, and all of us need occasional reminders so our hearts, minds, and bodies might be in sync each Sunday.

My hope is that, as a community, we would worship with a full understanding of what we are doing. As we do so, setting our hearts and minds on the Triune God, being open to the movement of the Spirit in our midst, may we each experience a deeper sense of the reality of God’s kingdom in our midst.

