Ministry Fayre
Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!!!
This Sunday, April 21st, is the Christ Church Ministry Fayre!!
Week after week we are blessed to participate in the beauty of Anglican liturgy in worship. But do you know how many people it takes to make our Sunday worship services happen? You might say it takes a village! In addition to our beloved clergy and devoted staff, who prepare the sermons, the bulletins, the Scripture readings, and countless other details, there are FIFTEEN lay ministry teams actively involved in each worship service every week. From Altar Guild to Welcomers and all the other ministries in between, it takes a bare minimum of 16 lay people and, ideally, 49 people each service –65 with the choir and music team! —to fulfill all the roles in worship as we know it. Wow!
Our Anglican liturgy is defined as “the work of the people,” which does include simply being in a pew and participating in the liturgy. But serving in a lay worship ministry enhances one’s experience of worship and builds a stronger worshiping community.
Beyond Sunday worship, fellowship and community service are crucial parts of abundant life at Christ Church Anglican. If you have enjoyed just one Men’s or Women’s Gathering, or a Wednesday Night meal and class, if you have ever been blessed by another’s prayer, then you know the lifegiving benefits of giving and receiving within a faithful, loving community around Christ. Parish Life Ministries such as the Healing Prayer Team, Meals that Heal, Life Groups, Hospitality, and Ministry Partners offer ways to touch others’ lives quietly, but with profound impact. Parishioners with skills and experience in finance, leadership, and education, can find satisfying ways to contribute to the life of Christ Church by serving on our governance committees (Finance and Vestry) and in teaching adults, youth, and children.
Are you missing out? Take this opportunity to explore how you might contribute!
When? After just one service at 8:00 am this Sunday we will triumphantly recess out to the Parish Hall following dismissal.
Why?Showcase all the ministries and ways get involved at CCA . . . and have some fun along the way!
What?We will have an English style breakfast, games, contests, and lots of information about how to get involved in the life of our church family.
Who? This is a gathering for the whole parish to celebrate our life and work together! Come meet your lay ministry leaders and coordinators and find out what is involved in each area of service.