New Small Groups Ministry at CCA!
This Fall, we are thrilled to invite you to join our new small groups ministry at Christ Church Anglican: Life Groups!
Life Groups are small, formational groups (5-7 members) that meet in parishioners’ homes on a weekly or biweekly basis for eight months. Life Groups covenant together to study Scripture, celebrate the spiritual disciplines, and grow together in the knowledge and love of God.
From August 2022-April 2023, CCA’s Life Groups will be using Geoff Chapman’s curriculum, Growing in Jesus’s Life. Each week, group members will discuss a passage of Scripture, read a lesson from Growing in Jesus’s Life, and hear one group member share what’s going on in their life with God and their neighbors.
In each group, there will be three leadership roles. Training will be offered for each of these roles later this summer.
Hospitality: the hospitality leader will open his/her home, serve refreshments, and welcome group members each week.
Facilitator: the facilitator will guide the group through the curriculum and appoint group members for various roles each week.
Accountability: the accountability leader will check in with group members throughout the week, touch base with absent group members, and hold the group accountable to its collective covenant (Bible reading, fasting, etc.)
If you are interested in participating in a Life Group this fall, please take this brief survey at https://form.jotform.com/221864987340162. Paper forms will also be available for the next few Sundays in the Narthex.
If you have any questions or are having trouble accessing the survey, please contact Dcn. Bree Snow at bsnow@christchurchphoenix.org.
We are so excited to see the work God will do in our community through our Life Groups ministry.
Dcn. Bree Snow