Our Updated Mission and Values
One of the diocesan mandates for a rector search process is that the vestry take time to reexamine its Mission Statement and Core Values. Over the past six months our vestry has spent many hours discussing and praying about these matters, remembering that we are a congregation in the Anglican Communion in North America (ACNA), serving under the authority of the bishop and Diocese of Western Anglicans. Our worship and mission is common to all ACNA churches, as outlined in the Constitution and Canons of the ACNA. The Vestry worked to phrase our mission (The Great Commission) in CCA-friendly language, and to locate those values that are uniquely ours. A Core Value, as we understand it, is a quality of our actual history that we don’t want to lose for our future. In this sense they are forward-looking and aspirational. I am grateful to the wardens and vestry for coming to agreement on these. How blessed we are at Christ Church with leaders who know and love the Lord and love this congregation.
Chuck Collins
Interim Rector