Quellen Reception
We, George and Hanna, with Ryan and Noleen, are so thankful to be able to introduce to CCA our German friends of many years—Hubertus and Dorothea (affectionately called Dodo) Benecke. They are the parents of Ludwig Benecke, who with his wife Cecily and their two small boys were with us in Phoenix a couple of years ago. But why are Hubertus and Dodo here now?
Many of you know that since the year 2000 Hanna and I have lived part of our lives in Germany, where Hanna was born Jewish during the Hitler era. Perhaps less known is that Ryan and Noleen—and Ethan, Keilah, Micah and Elyana as they have come along—have joined us in this work over the years. And the ministry of reconciliation, to which God has called us all, continues to expand in depth and reach.
What began as a personal visit to research Hanna’s family history has now grown—re-structured and re-branded—into an organization named Quellen, one of the ministries of the mission agency Antioch Network. (Ryan is Antioch Network’s International Director.) “Quellen” is the German word for “sources”—like the source or spring from which a river flows. But sources of what? Sources from which Quellen’s three-fold calling springs: reconciliation, discipleship, teaching and mentoring. Or, as we like to say:
+ Healing the Past
+ Transforming the Present
+ Guiding the Future.
We hope you can join Mileys, Thurmans, and Beneckes for a reception in the parish hall this Saturday, February 22, beginning at 3 pm. George and Hanna’s relationship with Hubertus and Dodo began more than 10 years ago when a group of German leaders wanted to visit the former Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz as part of their process of facing the truth, grieving, asking forgiveness, and seeking reconciliation. They wanted Jewish people to go with them. Relationships were solidified in the midst of reminders of historic horrors. Now Hubertus and Dodo are part of the leadership of Quellen, along with Ludwig and Cecily and Ryan and Noleen, which has teams in both Germany and the US. The Benecke ancestral home, a former monastery, is the Quellen ministry base in Germany. Some CCA friends, including Fr. Matt Rucker, Shawn Carson, and Martha Wenzel, have attended Quellen 6-day residential retreats on discipleship held there.
Saturday afternoon will feature two Germans and one German Jewish Holocaust survivor sharing personal experiences of God’s power in Healing the Past. Everybody will be offered a free copy of my just-published book Maturing toward Wholeness in the Inner Life, a primary Quellen resource for discipleship—Transforming the Present.
Hope to see you there.
In Christ,
Fr. George Miley