Rector Search Update
watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.”
Matthew 11:29, Msg.
As a reminder, the rector search process includes three phases over a period of 9-12 months: 1. creating a congregational profile, 2. posting the position and reviewing resumes, and 3. interviewing candidates in order to pass on finalists to the vestry, who will complete the hiring process.
We are nearing the end of Phase One and will have a detailed congregational profile soon. We have been busy! Our first task was to complete the Natural Church Development survey (required by the diocese), which surveyed 38 staff, lay, and clergy leaders in the church. Next, we conducted four sets of listening groups in September, with a total of 97 participants—a wonderful turnout. We also received 12 responses to our questions at our email address: ccarectorsearchcommittee@gmail.com. Currently, we are condensing listening group responses into themes, which will inform our profile. We are also wrapping up summaries of parish demographics, finances, ministries, and values. Finally, we are discerning the content for a brief parish-wide survey, which will be available online and on paper where needed.
Upon its completion, we will submit the congregational profile to the vestry for review. Once approved, we will move immediately into Phase Two: posting the position.
During this time, we have been blessed in a thousand ways by your prayers and fasting, our dedicated intercessors, CCA’s gifted clergy, office staff, and parish members, and our chaplain George Miley. The list goes on. We have also felt the weight of spiritual warfare at times, and ask that you continue to uphold us in prayer: for an infilling of the Holy Spirit’s life, love, and power, for spiritual protection, and for the joy of the Lord, which is our strength!
The Rector Search Committee
Co-Chairs: Shawn Carson, Laura Mitchell
Members: Michael Hunter, Erin Hudson, Larry Moudy, Thomas,Don Street, Barb Smelser, Phil Thomas, Grant Weicht