The Mystery of Faith
“Listen! I’ll tell you a mystery…” (1 Cor. 15:51)
As we scrubbed the Parish Hall after Vacation Bible School back in 2019, Lara Milford turned to me and said, “We should write our own VBS.” I laughed.
But as we learned from the story of Sarah and Abraham, God often does magnificent things when people laugh (Gen. 18:12).
Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I announce our upcoming Vacation Bible School, “The Mystery of Faith,” which will occur June 7, 8, and 9 in the Parish Hall. This curriculum, written by Lara Milford and myself (but mostly Lara Milford), will orient around the ancient credal confession: “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” Each day, our children and volunteers will serve as “detectives,” searching both the Old and New Testaments for clues about each “mystery” contained in this confession.
Still, the nature of a “mystery” is that it is progressively revealed. If you were to read a mystery story that ended on page 86 before the killer was revealed, you wouldn’t consider it a very good mystery story! Likewise, the great mystery of our faith—the Christ has died, is risen, and will come again—will be progressively revealed to us through Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we’ll consider together how each mystery reveals certain hope to us as followers of Jesus:
Christ has died so that you and I may have new life.
Because Christ is risen, our new life in Christ will never end.
Christ will come again with open arms and draw all of us to himself.
Please join us in praying for our 38 kids (and counting) and 20 volunteers (and counting), without whom this dream of an in-house VBS at CCA would be impossible.
If you have any questions about how you could support the VBS team, please contact me at bsnow@christchurchphoenix.org or Sarah Thomas at sarahlynnthomas@gmail.com.
In Christ,
Bree Snow
Minister of Formation and Catechesis