The Process for Finalizing our Full-Time Rector
In consultation with our bishop, we feel it is time to begin the process of bringing on our next full-time rector. Let me begin by saying that my time with you has been tremendous. We are blessed with a great staff and it has been a joy working with Fr. Matt and our Vestry. Please note that I will be here through this process and help the church stabilize once we are finished. I will be part of a team that will include Doug Irish and Beth Weicht. The search committee will be our Vestry. The previous search committee did a lot of great work. We do not have to start from scratch but will be able to use a lot of their material and bring it up to date so that it matches where we are today. Accurately understanding who we are is crucial in determining where we want to be in the next five years.
The first thing we need to do is look at our Core Values or Passions as stated in our last Parish Profile. We want to make sure these are still accurate and bring them up to date where necessary. To facilitate this process we will have three parish meetings to hear from the congregation. We want to encourage everyone who is passionate about our Core Values to come to one of these meetings. They will be held in the sanctuary.
- ● Thursday, January 21 at 7 pm
- ● Saturday, January 23 at 1 pm
- ● Sunday, January 24 after the second service
If you wish to contribute but can’t because of health or COVID please write a note to the vestry at vestry@christchurchphoenix.org.
Please understand that we want to hear from you. We do ask that, when commenting, we “speak the truth in love.” We have made great strides in communicating in a healthy way. Nothing will be accepted that is anonymous. We need to talk to each other, and not about each other. We encourage everyone to use this opportunity for healthy communication and avoid using unhealthy alternative channels.
Our Mission Statement is: “a community around Jesus bringing God’s love to a hurting world.”
The Passions listed on our last Parish Profile are as follows:
We aspire to be a church that…
- ● Worships, loves, and serves under the authority of Jesus Christ.
- ● Treasures our rich Anglican heritage and worship.
- ● Acknowledges the Holy Scriptures as the inspired Word of God, which leads us to hope in Jesus Christ our Lord.
- ● Lives and ministers in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- ● Welcomes God’s healing in ourselves, each other, and the whole of his creation.
- ● Is known for the vibrant love we have for one another as we walk through joys and sorrows.
- ● Equips people to disciple one another as Christ disciples us all.
- ● Welcomes and cares for the things God cares for: the poor, the captives, the blind, and the oppressed.
- ● Goes into our workplaces, communities, and work to do the work God has called us to do.
This list needs to represent the foundation that we build upon. It should be who we are and who we want to be in our hearts. These values should bring us joy, energy, and commitment. To lose our passions would be like losing one’s right hand. I ask that you look at this list and pray about it. Does something need to be added or subtracted? Does something need to be tweaked or modified? One of the passions I have heard stated is that we are “an Anglo-Catholic Parish.” That term is too vague to be helpful. What are you passionate about in Anglo-Catholicism that we need to include in our values? Our worship? Our music? Our governing structure? Are those passions accurately represented above? We need to use language that is clear, concise, and accurately represents what we are passionate about. We will take notes at all meetings and look at all messages that are communicated. The Vestry will then rework these Core Values/Passions and share the results.
I am very excited that we will be embarking on this great journey together. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
†Bp. Mark