Why Catechesis?
“At sermons and prayers men may sleep and wander; but when asked a question, he must discover what it is. This practice [catechesis] exceeds even sermons in teaching.” – George Herbert, The Study of Anglicanism, Sykes, 172.
Why do we need an “education hour” aka “Sunday School”? Or why should we join a small group or a Bible study? Why should the youth have “youth group”? Why should parents catechize their children? After all, every Sunday we hear the word of the Lord from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Epistles, and the Gospel accounts. Every Sunday we remember the Gospel through the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Every Sunday we pray, sing praises, offer thanksgiving, forgive, and are blessed in the presence of our Lord and his Church. Why do we need anything else?
We don’t. Solus Christus! Christ alone saves! If God has given you the gift of faith to believe that Christ died for your sins, then you truly have all you need. As Martin Luther preached, “I must listen to the Gospel. It tells me not what I must do, but what Jesus Christ the Son of God has done for me.”
Yet, our God loves to give in abundance, a beautiful garden (Gen 2:8-9), a land flowing with milk and honey (Ex 3:17), a place of awe and reverence to worship (Ex 40), songs/poetry/psalms for every cry of our heart to Him, His only begotten son to atone for our sins (Jn 3:16), His Spirit to produce good fruit in us (Gal 5:22), a family even for those with no family (Mt 12:49-50), and the promise that soon he will set all things right forever and wipe away all our tears (Rev 21:4).
Education hours, Sunday School hours, small groups, youth groups, childhood catechesis, and adult catechesis are good gifts from our God. They multiply and amplify the blessings we receive through the Sunday preaching of the Gospel though Word and sacrament! Why would we reject such a good gift? Even if the hours, classes, groups, and discussions are sometimes boring, “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another (Heb 12:24-25).” We can spur each other on towards love and good deeds by organizing well, preparing well, catechizing our children well, providing helpful feedback and support for our group leaders (not just complaints or simply choosing not to be involved in anything outside Sunday morning services).
I thank our God for all the education/Sunday School hours, small groups, youth groups, childhood and life-long catechetical instruction I have received from faithful fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters in Christ. I thank our God that I have the opportunity here at CCA to teach our young junior high and senior high brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray for God’s Spirit to continually renew and refresh our desire to better know our God who has revealed himself and his redemptive work through Christ in all of Scripture (2 Tim 3:14-17).
In Christ,