Women’s Ordination
On Sunday I’ll begin a four-week adult education class on women’s ordination. Many of you have asked me why I’ve chosen to do this, as the issue has been, and continues to be, quite contentious within the ACNA. I’m certainly not interested in causing unnecessary conflict. At the same time, however, avoiding issues simply because they are contentious seems rooted largely in fear, and we must resist that posture.
Over the past several years the issue of women’s ordination has come up in our congregation a few times very organically as we searched for an assistant rector, welcomed visiting clergy, and formed a committee to help individuals who may feel called to ordained ministry discern what God might have for them. It has been awkward, to say that least, that when it has come up I’ve had to respond that we hadn’t ever talked about it.
As the issue will no doubt continue to arise, I’m increasingly uncomfortable with that response. My hope is that over these four weeks we’d all gain a basic understanding of the discussion surrounding women’s ordination. I plan to give a historical overview of the discussion within Anglicanism, the current realities within the ACNA and our diocese, and, mostly, a sustained reflection on biblical texts dealing with gender and church order. I also plan to give plenty of space for questions.
I do hope that many of you – especially, perhaps, those who might be nervous about it – will attend the classes. Please pray for the entire process, that God would be honored in and through it all.
I’ve said before that I want Christ Church to be a place not defined by fear. As we gather around scripture and invite the Holy Spirit to help us discuss an important – yet potentially divisive – issue, may his perfect love come in such a way that fear is entirely driven out (1 John 4:18), leaving only humble, open hearts and minds, trusting that, as Jesus told us, He would indeed lead us into all truth (John 16:13).