Christmas at Christ Church
When thou didst hover over chaos,
order came to birth,
beauty robed the world,
fruitfulness sprang forth.
Move, I pray thee upon my disordered heart;
Brighten my soul with the pure light of truth;
take the things of Christ and show them to my soul;
open for me the wondrous volumes of truth in his,
“It is finished.” (The Valley of Vision)
Christmas at Christ Church is the most glorious time of year: when we remember that nothing in all creation will keep God’s love from reaching his people. In Jesus, God showed us the full extent of his love. He still does! In the noise and chaos of this season, please take time for Him whose “beauty robed the world.” Invite a neighbor or friend to join you to celebrate the day that God stepped out of his home in heaven to enter human history, into our lives. Perhaps you know a family member, neighbor or friend who would come if you were to invite them to join you.
Fourth Sunday of Advent (this Sunday) – 9:00 & 11:15 Services
“The birth of Jesus took place in this way…”
Festival of Lessons & Carols (this Sunday) – 5:00 p.m.
Traditional Nine Lessons & Carols
Christmas Eve – 5:30 p.m. Full Choral Christmas
(The grace of God has appeared!)
Christmas Morning – 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day
Children’s Christmas Pageant – Sunday, January 5 (one service this Sunday: 9:00 a.m.)
In Him,
Fr. Chuck Collins