Our Connection Process

This Fall, we are thrilled to announce a new connection process at Christ Church Anglican! Our vision for CCA’s connection process is intentional and formational. We want you to get to know us as a parish: our vision, values, and mission as a community centered on Jesus, bringing his love into a broken world. We also want to get to know you: how God has gifted you and blessed you to be a blessing in your community and the world.

Our Three-Step Connection Process:

STEP 1, Belonging to Christ Church: First Steps with Fr. Chase Campbell
Join Fr. Chase for his introductory class, First Steps. This class is primarily…

1. for newcomers

2. for those interested in an introduction to the Anglican Way

3. for visitors to CCA

In First Steps, you will explore…

1. What is the Gospel?

2. Nuts and Bolts of Liturgy

3. Anglicanism 101

First Steps will meet in Room 4 on Sunday mornings during the Adult Education hour (9:15-10:15).

STEP 2, Membership at Christ Church: VIA Catechesis with Dcn. Bree Snow
Since the Church’s earliest days, new Christians were required to go through a period of catechesis (from the Greek word κατηχέω, “to instruct”). VIA is an eight-month curriculum that will explore our faith using Scripture, iconography, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Anglican Catechism. VIA is for you if you…

1. are interested in membership

2. would like to walk more deeply with Jesus

3. simply want to take a more comprehensive look at your faith

VIA will occur each Sunday in Room 7 during the Adult Education hour (9:15-10:15).

STEP 3, Confirmation: Life in the Anglican Communion
Each year, members who have completed VIA Catechesis will go before the Bishop in the spring to profess their faith and become confirmed members of the Anglican Church of North America.

Do you have any questions about our new connection process, First Steps, or VIA Catechesis? Contact Dcn. Bree Snow at bsnow@christchurchphoenix.org.

Dcn. Bree Snow