Thankless Service
Most of you will remember the TV show “Dirty Jobs” about a guy who apprenticed to people who have awful, disgusting jobs. These are completely thankless jobs that none of us would want in a million years, but jobs that someone has to do behind the scenes so that we can live comfortably.
It is a stretch, I know, but the Rector Search Committee spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in more meetings than they can count on all their fingers combined to deliver to us a spanking new rector, and in one day they are relegated to the back of the room and will soon fade from our memories. It’s a pretty thankless job, and I am very grateful for the efforts and sacrifices of Laura Mitchell, Shawn Carson, Erin Hudson, Michael Hunter, Larry Moudy, Barb Smelser, Don Street, Phil Thomas, and Grant Weicht. They have served us and served our Lord very well!
This coming Sunday Bishop Keith will be with us as celebrant and preacher, and he will welcome the Britton family to Christ Church. The more formal Institution will be held at a future date when more time can be given to planning for it. I have complete confidence that he is the result of concerted prayer and much hard work. God wants him here for his sake, for ours, and for purposes we don’t yet know. Thanks be to our God! Please come this Sunday to celebrate the God who answers prayer, and please keep Austin, Rebecca and their children in your daily prayers as they find a home in Phoenix and among us in ministry.
Gratefully yours,
Chuck Collins
Artwork: “Footwashing” – Unknown Artist