A Letter from our Sr Warden

If you’re like me, you had mixed emotions to hear Fr. Chris’s announcement last week that he had accepted the rectorship of All Saints Anglican in Durham, NC. I am excited for the new adventure God has in store for the Schutte family, yet selfishly, I will miss them greatly. They have impacted our lives in a multitude of ways and we’re all better for knowing them. Please continue to pray for them during this time of transition.

In Anglican church polity, the Bishop is the Chief Pastor and teacher and while we have a rector, the rector’s authority is a delegated authority from the Bishop. When a rector leaves, the Bishop assumes the ecclesiastical authority over a congregation and the vestry becomes the overseeing body for everyday operations of a congregation. To that end, I have had some lengthy conversations with Bishop Andrews who has already shown himself to be a wonderful counselor and pastor both to Fr. Chris and to me.

Although it’s never easy, we couldn’t be in a stronger position to not just weather but thrive during this time of our search for a new rector. God has sent us some great leaders! Both Fr. Chuck and Deacon Matt are here to provide clergy leadership, along with Fr. George, Tim Smith and a number of other ministers.

The wardens and vestry will meet with Bishop Andrews Thursday, July 26 to determine who will be our interim rector and who will serve on the search committee

If you have any suggestions of who might best serve on the Search Committee, please send me or Jack Smelser (Junior Warden) an email. Please note that the search committee will be composed of about seven people only, so, although suggestions for members are welcome, not everyone who is mentioned will be asked to serve. But everyone in the congregation will have ample opportunity for input at many points in the 7-9 month process of finding a new rector.

I Promise to communicate well with the congregation during the process. Personally, I covet your support and prayers, and I’m sure the Vestry does as well. As I mentioned during our Annual meeting this year, I am confident that God has done great things in our midst over the past 10 years and has great things in store for our future.

“O God our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come.

Be thou our guide while life may last,

And our eternal home.”

God is good, faithful, and true, to him be the praise and glory.

Shawn Carson
Senior Warden