A request from the Rector Search Committee

A request from the Rector Search Committee (RSC)

Dear Christ Church Community,

The RSC would like to invite you to join us in fasting during this time of searching for our rector.

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that draws us closer to God by allowing more time to be intentionally present to Him. It involves abstaining or letting go of some time consuming endeavor for a specific period of time and using that time to draw closer to God. In Biblical times, fasting usually meant abstaining from food.  But because we have so many more activities that distract us, our list of what we might give up is longer. For example, we might choose to fast 1, 2 or 3 meals in a 24 day, turn the TV off for an evening, sleep a half hour less, a day without social media or playing games online, or something you select. Feel free to be creative as you decide what to abstain from and how you will use the time gained to spend with God; i.e. listening, studying, seeking, worshiping or meditating quietly.

As a group, we selected Thursday or Friday as our fast day. However, if neither of those fits your schedule, choose a day that does. Together our objective is to deepen our relationships with God and to listen for His wisdom and guidance as He leads us to our new rector. This time can be a gift to each one participating and to the community as a whole. Fasting is less about abstaining from something than it is about feasting on the Bread of Life.

Thank you for considering our invitation and blessings along the way,

Rector Search Committee

Look up Scripture about fasting: biblestudytools.com