Adult Ed

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Wednesday Night Program

5:00-5:30 Choristers (ages 4 – 7th grade) 5:15-6:15 Dinner in the Parish Hall 6:15-7:30 Adult Classes, Kid’s Club and Youth Group Register once for dinner!


Sunday School/Adult Ed

Sunday School takes place between services. Room Assignments: PreK-1st Grade | Room 8 2nd-3rd Grades | Room 13 4th-5th Grades | Room 12 All youth | Room 14 Adults are...


Wednesday Night Program

5:00-5:30 Choristers (ages 4 – 7th grade) 5:15-6:15 Dinner in the Parish Hall 6:15-7:30 Adult Classes, Kid’s Club and Youth Group Register once for dinner!

Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap How We Got the Bible Have you ever wondered why the Bible is made up of 66 books, how we got a canon, or why we have...

Special Guest Speaker Matt Walter (part 1)

The International Muslim Outreach was founded in 2013 by Matt Walter. Matt’s background includes fifteen years in the Middle East. He holds a degree in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures...