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The World’s Largest Baby Shower

Our church is partnering with Anglicans for Life for a nationwide baby shower benefiting local women who are facing unplanned, crisis, and new pregnancies. Your participation is part of a...

Ministry Fayre

Ministry Fayre Sunday, April 21, 2024 When? After just one service at 8am on 4/21 we will triumphantly recess out to Parish Hall following dismissal. Why?  Showcase all the ministries and ways get...

World’s Largest Baby Shower

Our church is partnering with Anglicans for Life for a nationwide baby shower benefiting local women who are facing unplanned, crisis, and new pregnancies. Your participation is part of a...

Presentation by Keilah Thurman

Keilah Thurman is planning on taking a gap year this coming year after she graduates from Cicero Preparatory Academy in May. For her gap year she plans to do two...