Courageous Men of Friday Mornings Bible Study
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Join our ministry partner Phoenix Refugee Connections for an eye-opening time of learning about the global refugee crisis and a local, biblical response. Arizona has welcomed more than 108,000 refugees--vetted...