ARDF Ministry Day
Join our ministry partner ARDF for an adult education class between services in Parish Hall. ARDF supports local churches serving in their communities through improvement projects and in times of...
Join our ministry partner ARDF for an adult education class between services in Parish Hall. ARDF supports local churches serving in their communities through improvement projects and in times of...
Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....
Everyone is invited to join us on the lawn for our annual feast. Enjoy an indulgent dinner, dessert and talent show! Dinner 5-6pm Talent show and dessert 6-7:30pm Questions: Contact...
Join us for the imposition of ashes and holy communion. Services are at 7 am, 12, and 7 pm
Step into Spring by attending the Senior Luncheon on March 6th, noon, in the Parish Hall. Our guest speaker is parishioner Jennifer Jones, who works as a Senior Content Coordinator and...
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....
During this month’s Theology on Tap, Erik Twist (Oxford, BTh) will guide us in a discussion on Saint Thomas Aquinas. He will help us explore Thomas’ life and how his...
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Men’s Cookout & “Blarney Good” Book Swap Spend the afternoon with the men of Christ Church Anglican as we fire up the grills and cook some mouthwatering steaks in the...
Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....
Every week, Fridays at 6:15 am, we explore twelve facets of Christian spirituality and delve into what it means to have a genuine relationship with God. Each morning starts with...
Please join us for the visitation of Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe of the North Kigezi Diocese in Uganda. Bishop Assiimwe will be preaching. He will also be teaching Sunday School to...
Children's & Youth Ministry Sunday school classes have resumed in between services from 9:15-10:00 a.m. Children, PreK-2nd will be in classroom 13 and 3rd-6th grade will be in classroom 11....