
Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” – Gen 2:18


This past week I’ve been thinking a lot about friendship. Our Sunday reading from James 4 warns that friendship with the world (i.e. selfish desires and actions of those who are in rebellion against God) is enmity with God. As Christians, none of us wants enmity with God. Yet, not being friends with the world can feel lonely at times. Therefore, we need our friends in Christ all the more. They remind us that even if all our other friends abandon us – Jesus will not (Psalm 27:10).

In this broken world, loneliness hits all humanity – single, married, young, old, cool, nerdy, rich, poor, etc. Sometimes it isn’t noticed, but sometimes it crushes us like great waves. Loneliness reminds us to continue to pray that our Father’s kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Just as Jesus conquered death, he also conquered loneliness. We have seen the inauguration of these truths, and we will see the fulfillment. On that day, our Lord will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Rev 21:4).

In the meantime, we first trust that Jesus is our friend, brother, and Lord who sticks closer than any other brother or friend can (Prov 18:24). We also would do well to actively and prayerfully seek to foster and form friendships with our brothers and sisters in the Church – whom Christ gave to us as precious gifts bought with his blood. I assure you that CCA has numerous parishioners (perhaps all of us) struggling with loneliness who are praying for God to help them form good friendships here. This is true in every parish/congregation.

Our enemy, and the world, desire us to stay isolated from our brothers and sisters (friends) in Christ so that we would seek the desires of the world out of desperation. One of the chief schemes the world uses right now to keep us isolated is business. Tim Keller once preached, “We can only have a few friends in our whole lives. And they’re the only people who probably you will be able to see the transforming power of God in, through your friendship. And a lot of us are so doggone busy running around doing things we think are gonna make the world a better place when this [friendship] is the only thing that really will!”

So, I would like to encourage you, and myself, to ask for God’s help as we seek to form and foster friendships here at CCA. We can’t be best friends with everyone, but we can pray for our Lord to guide us and give us discernment. Who might be especially lonely that you could make the extra effort to greet on Sunday, or send a text or email to? What busy thing, or distracting thing, can you drop to have a little more time for friendship? If you are one of the ones drowning in loneliness at the moment, remember your friend, brother and Lord loves you! And nothing, including loneliness, can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:38-39)!

John Laffoon
Minister to Youth & Families