Gratitude For God’s Kingdom in Our Midst

We are a unique nation. We set aside a whole day for giving Thanks. What a fantastic idea. As we look around our nation, our city, our neighborhoods, and especially our family, we find a litany of things to be thankful for. In light of that, one day doesn’t seem like quite enough time.

Now, if we add to that the movements and acts of God in our personal lives and our church, we know that giving thanks can’t be relegated to only one day a year.  It has to be a way of life. To me, that’s a glimpse of the Kingdom. Gratitude is a way of life.

I see many other glimpses of the Kingdom in our midst. Here are a few. The healing and prayer team: we’ve heard countless testimonies of healings and breakthroughs. Youth and children’s ministries: our future looks extremely positive because of the investment into young lives. Attendance: we continue to have new people attend our services as they find our liturgy refreshing and sense the presence of the Lord in our worship/community. Worship Service: Beautiful music, ambiance, truth and love. Staff and Clergy: dedicated, humble servants who seek the Lord and work together to create a culture of hospitality, learning and vision. Outreach: loving, serving, and giving dignity to “the least of these.” And last but not least, each and every one of you. As you encounter the Lord and catch a vision of His heart and mind, you have chosen to give your time, talent, and treasure to make CCA a place where people feel welcomed, loved, and accepted.

As you consider the many good things God is doing at CCA, juxtapose that with the world in which we live today. Drug addiction epidemics; breakdown of the family; growing numbers of foster children; bitterness, anger, strife and violence on various levels; growing dependence on ‘stuff’-materialism; civil war in many nations; refugee crisis; homelessness; corruption; etc.  Our landscape is littered with hopelessness, brokenness and darkness. This is the whole reason Christ came into the world: to reveal the Kingdom of God; to express His unconditional love; to bring hope, healing, and purpose to our lives. He has established us (His Church) to be people in community around Jesus who present evidence of a loving God to a hurting, broken, lost world. Imagine what society and the world would look like without His church?

On behalf of that broken, confused, hurting, hostile world, THANK YOU for supporting this Kingdom work and for believing that God through CCA can make a difference. Thank you for offering a new way of looking at life. Thank you for loving unconditionally. Thank you for praying and working and giving. Thank you for not giving up. And on behalf of your Heavenly Father, thank you for being an extension of His love, grace, healing and hope.

With Gratitude,

Shawn Carson
Senior Warden