Ministry Opportunities

Do you know it takes a village to make our Sunday Worship services happen (in addition to clergy and staff, who prepare the sermons, the bulletins, the Scripture readings, and countless other details)? From Altar Guild to Welcomers and TWELVE other ministries in between, it takes a minimum of 16 lay people and, ideally, 49 people each service, 65 with the choir and music team! Wow. Our Anglican liturgy is defined as “the work of the people,” which does include simply participating in the liturgy. But serving in a lay worship ministry enhances one’s experience of worship and builds a stronger worshiping community. Are you missing out? Here is an opportunity to explore how you might contribute: Christ Church Lay Ministries will host a one-time Ministry Fair between the services (9:15–10:15 a.m.) on Sunday, April 23rd. Come meet your lay ministry leaders and coordinators and find out what is involved in each area of service.

In the meantime, check out some of our ministry opportunities:




Welcomers: Greet visitors before and after worship services, provide them with information about the parish, and help them meet others. As representatives of CCA, our goal is to make visitors and members alike feel welcomed, wanted, and comfortable at our church.

*Currently in need of a chairperson. Acting Chair: Debbie Moudy;

Altar Guild: As approved by the Rector, this dedicated group of men and women is responsible for the preparation of the altar for Holy Eucharist and for the care and cleaning of all the appointments.

Co-Chairs: Sara Samuelson; & Melissa Baum;

Lay Readers: Adult and mature youth lay readers participate in leading worship by reading the appointed scripture readings for the service.

Coordinator: Wendy Pitha;

Chalice Bearers: Chalice bearers are appointed by the clergy to administer the chalice during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Coordinator: Wendy Pitha;

Lay Eucharist Visitors: These specially trained teams of two bring the sacrament to parishioners who are physically unable to come to church.

Chair: Stephen Doholis;

Acolytes: Acolytes help make our worship services more reverent and beautiful. They process in out and out with the banner, torches, and cross. They also assist the clergy with aspects of the offering and communion. Adults, teens, and mature children are all able and encouraged to serve as acolytes.

Contact Fr. John Laffoon:

Ushers: Ushers welcome people to worship services, provide bulletins, collect the offering, and assist those with physical limitations.

Chair: Jeff Irish; 602-692-2015 or

Choir: The choir meets weekly to rehearse and provides musical leadership for the congregation during worship services.

Choirmaster: Herbert Washington;

Instrumental Music Team: Musicians support the congregation and choir in musical worship during Communion through harmony singing and instrumental accompaniment.

Leader: Ben Guido;

Sound Team: Men, women, and youth high school age or older set up and control sound equipment for worship, record the sermons, and secure equipment after worship.

Chair: George Petrovic; 602-363-4099 or

Prayer Leaders: As approved by the Rector, Adults and mature youths lead the congregation in The Prayers of the People, using provided litanies.

Chair: Karalee Romaneski; or 703-501-3968

Prayer Team: This group prays regularly for those on our weekly Prayer List.

Chair: Deacon Mathew Allen;

Altarside Prayer: Altarside prayer ministers (approved by the Rector) are available to pray with people for any need, following communion during worship services.

Acting Chair: Laura Mitchell;

 Hospitality: Living in community as Christians fulfills a desire to be known and loved. At CCA we bring regular gatherings of community through Coffee Hour, Wednesday Night Dinner, Senior Luncheons, Men’s & Women’s gatherings as well as special events.

Chair: Amy Fondry or 480-353-0789

Flower Guild: Representing the gifts of First Fruits, the Flower Guild provides the floral arrangements for all worship services and decorates the church for special occasions.

Chair: Marj Pelham;

Christian Formation

Children’s Ministry: CCA’s Children’s Ministry teaches kids the love of our Father in Heaven and his Son Jesus. Through events that connect, educate, and grow, we create experiences that impact our tiniest parishioners for the rest of their lives.

Interim Director: Jamie Campbell;

7th -12th grade: Adult volunteers help lead Sunday morning and Wednesday evening youth group. Please contact Fr. John Laffoon if you would like to know more about serving in our youth ministry:
Adult Formation: Varied opportunities for learning and formation are offered between services on Sunday mornings (9:15-10:15am) and on Wednesday evenings (6:00-7:30pm) Contact Deacon Bree Snow;

The Rev. Bree Snow
Deacon | Minister of Formation and Catechesis