Preparing for Sabbatical

After a wonderful Holy Week and Easter, I’m beginning to prepare for the summer. As most of you know, I’ll be on sabbatical from Memorial Day through Labor Day, and I’ve begun to meet with the wardens, vestry, and staff to discuss congregational life while I’m away. I feel confident that Christ Church will be in good hands while I am away. The wardens and staff are both willing and able to manage the life of the congregation, and I’m looking forward to hearing good reports when I return!

On May 31, the first Sunday of my sabbatical, the worship services will be combined. So, throughout the summer we will have one worship service. Last fall when we started the second service I shared that my plan was to go down to one service in the summer, and, after discussing this with the staff and vestry, I still believe this to be the best option. The rhythm of Sunday mornings this summer will be as follows: Adult Education and Sunday School at 9 a.m. and worship at 10:15 a.m. We hope to have some kind of fellowship time as well, but the details are still being worked out. Stay tuned!

It is important to note that we are combining our two services, not cancelling one or the other. Earlier this week I met with Phil Jones, our interim choir director, and Matt Vlahovich, who leads the music at 11:15, and they will work together on music this summer. We will have an organist each Sunday, and he will play for the processional and recessional hymns. The song of praise, sequence hymn, offertory anthem, and communion music will be shared, sometimes led by a choral group, sometimes by the 11:15 team, sometimes by one of our talented instrumentalists, or a group of instrumentalists. Both Phil and Matt are excellent musicians, and we have a number of incredibly musicians in the congregation who are willing to serve this summer as well.

Chuck is putting adult education together. He will teach a lot, but we hope to have several others from among our gifted teachers lead sessions as well. Tim Smith has already agreed to teach a five-week series.

Pastorally, Chuck will be here all summer, and George Miley will return in mid-June, so will be available to assist with preaching, teaching, and pastoral care. Our gifted lay-led prayer and pastoral care teams will also be available when needs arise.

Please know that we are taking my time away seriously, doing everything that we can to ensure that things run smoothly, and that the congregation is well led and nourished this summer. Worship, teaching, pastoral care, and fellowship will continue this summer, and they will be strong. I’m grateful to be supported by such a caring, competent team.

One final note: after Memorial Day our Wednesday morning Eucharist service will be “suspended”. For the eight to ten people who attend the service somewhat regularly, this will be an adjustment, but I’m confident that other contexts for fellowship and prayer will emerge.

This may all sound premature, as I’m not leaving for five weeks. However, I do want to let everyone know that this summer will be well taken care of. Between now and then, though, we have the “Christian Faithfulness and Same-Sex Attraction” conference on May 2 that I hope everyone can attend, and Bishop Keith will be with us the weekend of May 17. I want to encourage everyone to come out that weekend as well, as it is important to support Bishop Keith’s ministry, and hear from him about life in the diocese.

We have a lot of wonderful opportunities to worship, grow, and serve over the next several months. I hope and pray that we all can participate!