Summer Schedule

As we get closer to the summer, I’d like to direct your attention to a few upcoming events, and explain the summer schedule. For the next two Sundays, May 13 and May 20, we will be on our normal Sunday schedule, with worship services at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. May 20 is Pentecost Sunday, which is one of the four days each year that we have baptisms. We will have one baptism, and each of us will get to renew our baptismal vows as well.

On Friday, May 25 at 7 p.m. Matt Rucker will be ordained as a transitional deacon. Please plan to join in this celebration as we welcome Matt to our clergy team. There will be a reception following the ordination in the Parish Hall. Please pray for Matt, who will graduate from Trinity School for Ministry on Saturday, and his wife Madeline, as they settle into Phoenix in the coming weeks.

On Sunday, May 27 (Trinity Sunday), we will begin our summer schedule, which, this summer, will be a single worship service beginning at 9 a.m., followed by coffee time and education for children, youth and adults. I’m looking forward to this schedule for adult education, as we are working on helping each of us develop a more intimate relationship with scripture, empowering us to read scripture in such a way that we would grow closer and closer to Jesus.

Through worship and study, we learn to love God, and, in fellowship and service, we learn to love our neighbor. I’m looking forward to many opportunities for each of these things as we approach the summer, that we might experience more and more of Jesus and his kingdom.

